Akocak Hydroelectric Power Plant



Renewable Energy



AKOCAK Hydroelectric Power Plant: Generating Clean Energy from Karadere River AKOCAK is a run-of-river hydroelectric power plant (HEPP) situated on Karadere River, East Black Sea region of Turkey. The project aims to produce clean and renewable energy from the flowing waters of Karadere River. Key Highlights: - The project features two weirs, Erikli weir, and Akocak weir, built on Alcak Brook and Karadere branch, respectively, to harness the river's energy. - The weirs have been constructed at 1,339 meters and 1,328 meters, respectively, on the riverbed to ensure maximum energy production. - A sediment pool of 41 meters long and 2.3 meters wide has been built along the riverbed to mitigate the negative impacts of sedimentation on the project's efficiency. - The UTM ED coordinates for Erikli weir are 580 500 E, 4 495 600 N; Akocak weir: 577 425 E, 4 496 300 N; powerhouse: 576 375E, 4 502 625 N. The AKOCAK Hydroelectric Power Plant is a sustainable solution to meet Turkey's growing energy needs while minimizing carbon emissions. The project has not only created job opportunities in the region but has also contributed to the socio-economic development of the local communities. By generating clean energy from the flowing waters of Karadere River, AKOCAK has reduced carbon emissions and mitigated the effects of climate change.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
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Data for this project

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