Saracbendi Hpp Run-Of-River Hydro Project



Renewable Energy



Saracbendi HPP: Bringing Carbon Neutral Electricity Production to Turkey's Grid Saracbendi HPP is a low head run-of-river power plant that generates 23.67 MW of electricity by using a new weir structure to deviate river water of the Kizilirmak River into an intake structure with three settlement basins. From there the water enters an open trapezoidal canal that runs along the left bank of the river for 25.6 km, leading to a head pond with an intake to two steel penstocks of 3.90 m diameter and 159.9 m length each. The water then enters the powerhouse with the turbines, and is released to the Kizilirmak River by an open canal. Key Highlights: - Saracbendi HPP started electricity production on 1st January 2011 and feeds the produced electricity into the national grid. - This project generates a substantial emission reduction of 55,170 tCO2e per year on average. - The hydro project is registered as a voluntary emission reduction project under the Voluntary Carbon Standard, thus enabling its implementation by obtaining co-financing from carbon market proceeds. Saracbendi HPP is a significant project that brings carbon neutral electricity production to Turkey's grid. By utilizing the power of the Kizilirmak River, this project generates a significant amount of electricity without releasing any carbon emissions. The project reduces the amount of carbon emissions by 55,170 tCO2e per year on average, contributing to Turkey's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. Moreover, as a voluntary emission reduction project, Saracbendi HPP can receive co-financing from carbon market proceeds, making it an economically viable solution to reduce carbon emissions.

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Verified Carbon Standard


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Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
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Data for this project

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