Anhui Guzhen Biomass Generation Project



Renewable Energy



The Anhui Guzhen Biomass Generation Project (hereafter referred to as the Project) is a renewable energy project located in Guzhen County, Anhui Province, P.R.China. The Project is invested, constructed, and operated by the National Guzhen Bio Energy Co., Ltd. The Project generates electricity using rice straw, maize straw, peanut straw, and wood residues as renewable biomass fuel. Key Highlights: - The Project installed one 130t/h boiler and one 30MW steam turbine generator - The annual electricity supply of the Project is expected to be 186,900 MWh, which is delivered to East China Power Grid - The construction of the project began on March 31st, 2010, and it was put into operation on January 3rd, 2011 - The Project achieved emission reductions of 242,990 tCO2e during its monitoring period - The expected life-time of the project is 20 years By generating electricity from renewable biomass fuel, the Project reduces the amount of CO2 emissions that would have been produced if the same amount of electricity had been generated from traditional fossil fuel-fired power plants in the East China Power Grid. The Project's contribution to reducing carbon emissions in China is critical for achieving the country's climate goals while also promoting energy security.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
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Data for this project

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