Hydro Power Project In Backward District Of Andhra Pradesh, India
Renewable Energy
APGENCO Run of the River Hydroelectric Power Project Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) has undertaken a project to install six run of the river hydroelectric power units near Revulapally village in Mahaboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. The first unit was commissioned in August 2008. The project involves the construction of electric sub-stations and the fabrication and installation of six hydroelectric units, each with a capacity of 39 MW, on an existing reservoir without increasing its flooded area. The completed plant will have a total installed capacity of 234 MW. Key Highlights: - APGENCO installs six run of the river hydroelectric power units, each with a capacity of 39 MW, on an existing reservoir without increasing its flooded area. - The completed plant will have a total installed capacity of 234 MW and will generate electricity to be exported to AP State grid, which is part of Southern region (SR) grid in India. - The project involves the construction of electric sub-stations and the fabrication and installation of six hydroelectric units. - The project displaces electricity generation from grid connected fossil fuel-fired power plants that would otherwise be generating electricity, resulting in a reduction in emissions. The APGENCO Run of the River Hydroelectric Power Project is an important initiative in India's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. By generating electricity from a renewable source, the project helps to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the harmful effects of climate change. Additionally, the project creates job opportunities and promotes sustainable development in the region. Overall, the APGENCO Run of the River Hydroelectric Power Project is a significant step towards a cleaner, greener future for India.
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