Agrocortex REDD Project
The Agrocortex REDD Project: Protecting the Amazon Rainforest The Agrocortex REDD Project aims to protect the 186,369.66 hectares of Amazon rainforest from unplanned deforestation. This area is located within a private property named “Fazenda Seringal Novo Macapá” in the municipalities of Manoel Urbano, Pauini, and Boca do Acre, in the States of Acre and Amazonas, South-western Amazon. Key Highlights: - The project establishes a barrier against the advancement of deforestation, contributing to the conservation of South-western Amazon biodiversity. - The Agrocortex REDD Project also aims to conserve the region in the long-term, making an important contribution to climate regulation in Brazil and South America. - This project is open for public comment from 12 May - 11 June 2017, and no comments were received. The Agrocortex REDD Project is a crucial initiative to protect the world's largest tropical rainforest. By preventing deforestation, the project helps preserve the unique biodiversity found in the South-western Amazon and ensures that the region continues to play a vital role in mitigating climate change.
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