Bundled Grid-Connected Wind Electricity Generation Project Identified As Bundle E3 In Maharashtra And Gujarat, India
Renewable Energy
This wind energy project activity is a bundle of six Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) with a total capacity of 7.75 MW. Five of the WTGs have a capacity of 1.25 MW each while one has a capacity of 1.5 MW. These turbines were commissioned between May 2nd and March 31st of 2007. Key Highlights: - The project has been implemented by UIC Udyog Limited, Khatau Narbheram & Co, and Hind Metals and Industries (P) Limited. - The WTGs have unique location numbers such as K-537, K-539, K-542, K-543, and W-55. - The project has a cumulative capacity of 7.75 MW. This project is important because it contributes to the generation of clean energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, it helps to improve energy security and creates job opportunities in the renewable energy sector.
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