Grid-Connected Wind Electricity Generation Project In Tamil Nadu, India
Renewable Energy
National Enterprises is promoting a project activity that involves the installation of two WTGs with a cumulative capacity of 3.3 MW (2 X 1.65 MW). This project will generate clean energy through renewable sources and supply power to the nearest grid substation of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, which is part of the Southern Regional Electricity Grid of India. On an annual basis, the project will generate 7938 MWh of electricity, which displaces an equivalent amount of power generated by the grid through fossil fuel combustion. Key Highlights: - The project involves the installation of two WTGs with a cumulative capacity of 3.3 MW (2 X 1.65 MW) - The project generates 7938 MWh of electricity annually - The project displaces an equivalent amount of power generated by the grid through fossil fuel combustion This initiative is crucial for the conservation of conventional sources of energy. By generating clean energy and supplying it to the grid, the project is making a significant contribution to the cause of sustainable development. The use of renewable sources of energy, such as wind power, reduces the carbon footprint of the energy sector and helps combat the effects of climate change. The project also has a positive impact on the local economy, creating job opportunities and boosting economic growth.
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