China Guangdong Shenzhen Qianwan LNG Generation Project
Renewable Energy
The Qianwan LNG Generation Project (QLGP) is a high-efficiency LNG (liquefied natural gas) CCGT (combined-cycle gas turbine) plant construction project. The project has a capacity of 1083.09 MW (3× 361.03 MW), with an annual electricity generation of 3700 GWh and an annual net electricity generation of 3611GWh. This project will consume 505.6 thousand tons of LNG per annum. Key Highlights: - QLGP will displace electricity generation by coal-fired thermal plants, leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions in China Southern Power Grid (CSPG), which is dominated by coal-fired generation technology. - The project is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 1,035,685tCO2e annually. - QLGP will adopt the cleanest form of fossil-fuelled electricity generation, producing positive environmental and economic benefits and contributing to the local sustainable development. QLGP is an important project as it provides an efficient and clean source of energy, reducing carbon emissions in the process. The use of LNG and CCGT technology ensures that the environmental impact of the project is minimal while also providing a reliable source of electricity generation. The project's estimated annual GHG emission reductions of 1,035,685tCO2e make a significant contribution to the global effort to reduce carbon emissions.
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