Florestal Santa Maria Project






Florestal Santa Maria S/A (FSM) has proposed the FSM-REDD Project to combat deforestation in the Colniza Municipality of Mato Grosso, Brazil, which is a part of the Brazilian Amazon and known as the Deforestation Arch. The FSM-REDD Project aims to avoid the emission of 29,923,331 tCO2 over 30 years within the Fazenda Florestal Santa Maria, which is a private land owned by FSM and covers 71,714 hectares of native forest. Key Highlights: - The FSM-REDD Project estimates the avoidance of nearly 30 million tCO2 emissions over 30 years. - The project is located in the Deforestation Arch, which is a region with high deforestation pressure. - FSM is committed to local socio-environmental development and has partnered with a neighboring State Park to create fire brigades and technical forestry schools for local youngsters. The FSM-REDD Project is important because it not only aims to combat deforestation but also promotes socio-environmental development in the local community through various initiatives. FSM's partnership with the State Park and Colniza City Hall will provide opportunities for local youngsters to learn about forestry and create fire brigades to combat forest fires. The project's efforts to reduce emissions will also contribute to the global fight against climate change.

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Verified Carbon Standard


Sustainable Development Goals

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.
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